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13th Active Learning in Engineering Education Workshop (ALE)

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE)

5th International Research Symposium on PBL (IRSPBL)

You are here: Home Program Mr. Miguel Encabo Elizondo

Mr. Miguel Encabo Elizondo

Miguel EncaboIs an engineer by ENSIEG (Grenoble).

Since 1991 works in Orona assuming different responsibilities in the management of R & D. In 2001 he participates in the creation of Orona Elevator Innovation Center, establishing a network of collaboration with technology centers and universities.

In 2014 participates in the creation of Orona Ideo, innovation ecosystem.

He is currently Chief Technology in Orona and responsible for the management of R & D and I.T. systems.

Important dates:

Abstract submission

January 16, 2015:
Abstract notification

March 6, 2015:
Deadline for full paper

April 24, 2015:
Notification of acceptance

May 15, 2015:
Final paper submission