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13th Active Learning in Engineering Education Workshop (ALE)

International Symposium on Project Approaches in Engineering Education (PAEE)

5th International Research Symposium on PBL (IRSPBL)

You are here: Home Program Ms. Virginie Servant

Ms. Virginie Servant

ServantVirginie Servant specializes in the study of the history, philosophy and practice of problem-based learning, from its roots in Canada, Denmark and the Netherlands to its modern expansion in Asia. Methodologically, Ginie is a qualitative researcher, versed in diverse qualitative methods such as Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis, Oral History, and Focus Group Interviews.She is now studying a PhD in Education Psychology at Erasmus University (Netherlands).

Under the supervision of Professor Henk Schmidt,  which is scheduled for completion in September 2015. After a working on higher education teaching & learning and Ed Tech research with the Singapore-based institute “The HEAD Foundation” for two years, she founded Promethea Education, a higher education educational research and consultancy organization. She conducted in-depth research into problem-based pedagogy in Asian universities. This research led to the “PBL in Asia series”, the first comprehensive Pan-Asian overview of PBL.

Important dates:

Abstract submission

January 16, 2015:
Abstract notification

March 6, 2015:
Deadline for full paper

April 24, 2015:
Notification of acceptance

May 15, 2015:
Final paper submission